Transfer Pricing Services
We at Shubham Anand & Co., provide comprehensive and tailor-made transfer pricing solutions based upon the exact nature and the extent of the international transactions and domestic related party transactions undertaken by the Company.
We will help you by preparing Transfer Pricing Study and Transfer Pricing Audit Report.
Our Transfer Pricing services include:
1. Transfer Pricing Planning
2. Transfer Pricing Documentation & Compliance Services
3. Transfer Pricing Assessment and representation before Transfer Pricing Officers (TPOs)
4. Transfer Pricing Appeals
5. Transfer Pricing Due Diligence and diagnostic reviews
6. Transfer Pricing related structuring of transactions and Value chain Transformation
7. Preparation of Profit attribution Studies for Permanent Establishments (PEs)
8. Assistance in setting up a governance framework
9. Determining arm’s length pricing, related party contracts consistent with Section 188 of the Companies Act 2013/Clause 49 of the SEBI listing guidelines