Trademark Registration in Noida

Register Your Trademark online in Noida Uttar Pradesh. Registration of a trademark in Noida in fast track mode available. Get your brand or logo trademarked and protect them from misuse.

Advantage of Trademark Registration

  • Protection form misuse of your brand
  • Gives you legal rights to take action against those who misuse your brand
  • Give your business or product a unique identity
  • Make your brand more valuable
  • Increase in goodwill of your business
  • Make your brand visible and recognizable
  • Enhance your brand or company credibility
  • Increase in turnover or revenue of company

registration of a trademark in ghaziabad

Documents Required for Trademark Registration

List of documents needed to file a trademark application:

For Individual or Proprietor:

  1. Copy of PAN
  2. Address Proof: Copy of Aadhaar or Voter Id or Passport
  3.  TM Authorisation Letter (format to be provided by us)
  4.  Brand Name or logo (in JPEG)

For Private Ltd Company / OPC:

  1. PAN Copy of Company
  2. Incorporation Certificate of Company
  3. MOA Copy
  4. Address and Identity Proof of one director (Copy of Aadhaar or Voter Id or Passport)
  5.  TM Authorisation Letter (format to be provided by us)
  6.  Brand Name or logo (in JPEG)

Trademark Filings Include:

  • Free Trademark Search
  • Advice on Trademark Class
  • TM Authorisation Letter drafting
  • Application Preparation
  • TM Application Filings
  • Status Update

Brand Registration | Logo Registration in Noida

WhatsApp or Call: 97170 91913